Exploring the Ancient Kilwa Kisiwani

The ancient Kilwa Kisiwani and Songo manara have been under UNESCO as the world Heritage, which were once the East African world trading city ports, linking Mwanamutapa Kingdom in (Zimbabwe) with Middle East, Persia ,Indonesia, and China. the cultural influence of all these communities can be witnessed at Kilwa today. Kilwa is located 300km South of Dar es salaam.
Some activities able to be done there:
  • Cultural insight of the cultural community
  • Boat trip to Kilwa island
  • Enjoying the cool breeze while walking around the coastal peoples settlements
  • Bird watching
  • Canoeing 
  • Mangrove forest tour
  • Beach experience
  • Salt farm tour
  • Traditional fishing experience and many more
Amongst the Ruins in Kilwa
Gereza- Kilwa
please contact:  kilwaculturec@yahoo.com

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