Skin: Beat your skin problem Nutritionally

Many People  have been using a lot  of creams and different kinds of Oil just trying to keep their skins well in a satisfactory conditions. We all know how our skin is more important than all we think we care in term of beauty and Health.

This is all about beating your skin problems that may led to difficulty in Healthy skin as well as making you feel difficulty.

Is your skin too Dry? Dry, rough skin combined with coarse, dry and brittle hair (as well as tiredness) can be a sign of an under active thyroid, so if you're worried, check with your GP. But for general dry skin problems, try increasing your intake of foods rich in beta-carotene (such as yellow and red peppers and dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach) and upping your intake of omega-3-rich oils. Add a teaspoon of flax oil to salad dressings or sprinkle some linseeds on your cereal daily.

Is it oily? Cut down on processed and junk food as well as foods high in sugar, such as cakes and biscuits as well as hard fats. Dip bread in olive oil or hemp seed oil for a tasty treat instead of using butter.Is it itchy? Get some relief by opting for foods high in B vitamins, such as eggs, fish, lentils, nuts and wholegrains. B vitamins improve poor circulation, which is sometimes associated with itchiness.

For acne? Try selenium-rich foods, such as Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, fresh tuna, sunflower seeds, walnuts and whole meal bread. Combine with vitamin E for the best effect.

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